Saturday 12 November 2016

The Rule of Ten Thousand Hours.

The Rule of Ten Thousand Hours.

Give Me Three Years
So with the power of solitude, you can actually take up a decision to invent anything. If you could invest ten thousand hours into discovering anything, if you could invest ten thousand hours into studying and adding value to yourself, If you invest ten thousand hours into anything, you become a master of that thing. If you could convert that amount of time into practising and working on something, whatsoever it is, you will become one of the best in the world in that field. Ten thousand hours converted researching and rehearsing anything will turn you into a world best achiever in that field of endeavour. This has been proven in history. Anybody that dedicates ten thousand hours doing anything, becomes best in that thing. For example the Singapore swimmer, Joseph schooling in the 2016 Olympic Games, who overcame and beat his idol Michael Phelps, only spent eight years rehearsing and practising swimming three hours every day and that made him better than his idol Michael Phelps whom he used to admire.

They have known each other for a long time. They first met in 2008, when the US team stopped off in Singapore for a training camp before the Beijing Games. Schooling was so excited to have met one on one with his hero. Narrating the remarkable incidence, Schooling said “They came to the country club that I trained at. It was early in the morning, and he was working on an essay. Everyone just rushed up and was like “it’s Michael Phelps! It’s Michael Phelps!’ and I really wanted a picture. Phelps obliged. And I was so shell shocked, I couldn’t really open my mouth”.

Joseph schooling did not just stop at admiring and wishing to become like his hero Michael Phelps. He didn’t just live in the world of wishes. He converted his time into becoming what he wished for. He invested his time into becoming great. Joseph understood that through the power of time conversion anyone could become great. He knew that just by applying the principle of time conversion you can become better and greater than your idols and heroes. With this understanding, Joseph disciplined himself to practice swimming three hours every day for eight years. Can you imagine that! Such a discipline; converting three hours every day for eight years into perfecting his swimming skills. Eight years later Joseph schooling met his idol again but this time it is not to ask him for a picture nor an autograph. The 13year old Joseph has become 21year old now. The past eight years did not just vanish into vanity. No! Joseph arrested the time and reproduced it into added value to himself. He converted that passing time into perfecting his swimming skills.

 “The only competition that matters the most, is competing to become better than your best old self.” 
Edmond Mbiaka

So now he is meeting his idol not as a fan but as a rival. This time Joseph Schooling was meeting his idol {Michael Phelps} on the world stage to compete with him at the 2016 Olympics.
I guess you know how the story ended. This was how the news captured it ” Eight years later, Schooling’s winning time of 50.39sec broke the Olympic record Phelps set at those same Beijing Games” They say you shouldn’t meet your heroes. Schooling beat his. How did it happen? The answer is TIME CONVERSION

If you devote three to six hours of your time every day to practicing anything repeatedly, in the next five years, you will become one of the best in the world. Why? Because the world doesn’t know how to concentrate. The world doesn’t know how to concentrate on working. Most of the people in the world are just distracted and work only on the surface. But if you will be deep enough to concentrate and study or rehearse anything, the world will bow in honor to you. The whole world will stand still to give you the way to the top. The world gives way to the man who knows where he is going.

 If you can take ten thousand hours and divide it by the number of hours you can concentrate and devote to repeatedly doing one single thing in a day, you will be amazed how best you will become in that thing after a given number of years. It is time that produces wealth. It is time that produces results and products. So if you could dedicate six hours, for example, every day, or eight hours every day just practicing one thing repeatedly, or developing one thing or researching and perfecting your act in one thing, I bet you, in the next four to five years you will become the world best in that thing. It doesn’t matter what that thing is; it could be in music, in dancing, in medicine, in engineering, in soccer or in swimming, whatever it is; the rule of ten thousand will make you the world best in three years, in four years or in five years depending on how many hours you spend practising that thing a day. How can you do that? You can only do that through the power of solitude. You can only become great through the power of time conversion.

 Do I have people here who will say, GIVE ME THREE YEARS, and I will become the world best in singing, Give Me Three Years, and I will become the world best in soccer or in swimming? Are there people here today who will challenge the world and say Give me just three years and I will become the world best Olympic athlete, or the best footballer in the world? Can the church raise champions who will become the best in medical research and discoveries in a matter of three years? Can the world best guitarist arise from the church? Can we raise the best software designers from among God's children? Are there truly people who desire to be great in life? Are there people here today who desire to climb the world stage and be reckoned among the world best in any field of endeavour? Do you really want to become great? Then you have to practise the rule of ten thousand hours. You have to learn to convert your time daily in solitude. You have to get rid of every form of distraction and begin to invest your life. You will be amazed to find out how easy it is to become the best in that your area of calling.
See You At The Top!

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