Saturday 19 November 2016


THE JUDGEMENT AND THE BOOK OF LIFEThere is nothing that scares the believer more than the sound of the Phrase "Judgement day" Whenever the topic of judgement day is preached in church people become so cold and express extreme fear. Many people come out to the altar to repent and get born again even though they were already born again before. The majority go home with fear and resolve to make sure that they will work hard to become righteous even though God already gave them the free gift of righteousness.
They struggle to live holy in their own eyes for a week or at most a month and return back to status quo if the trumpet doesn't sound within that time. They continue to live recklessly for a long time until the next time the message of the judgement is preached again and the same cycle of trying to work hard to save themselves repeats.  

The reason for such religious attitude is that people do not understand the nature of God's judgement and hence expresses fear whenever the subject is raised. The thing that breaks my heart is that it is those who claim to be born again believers that least understand the nature of this judgement.
If the world does not understand it I at least will not be surprised but for the redeemed to not understand it raises a lot of questions in my mind. It is either we've not been taught or we've been taught wrongly.
It is for this reason that I write if perhaps I could reveal the truth of God to those who will care to believe it. The first thing I want to reveal about the judgement is:

24 “I am telling you the truth: those who hear my words and believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life{John 5:24 GNT}

From the verse above, the truth was revealed and this truth is that those who believe in Jesus Christ will not be judged. The reason they will not be judged is because they already have eternal life and that means that they have already passed from death to life. It is impossible for these ones to be cast into the lake of fire. This judgement that they will be exempted from is what I call the first judgement and I will explain it later in this article. 


18 Those who believe in the Son are not judged; but those who do not believe have already been judged, because they have not believed in God's only Son.{John 3:18 GNT}

 From the verse above, it is revealed again that those { of  which the Christians are} who believe in the son are not judged. That is to say they are not condemned. If they are not condemned, then they are not guilty of sin and hence cannot be sentenced to hell. But we must note that the reason why the believer is not condemned or judged is simply because of his faith in Jesus Christ and not because he worked hard to save himself. It is not even because he didn't commit any sin. He is only declared free from judgement because of his faith.

However those who do not believe in Jesus as the son of God who came to take away the sin of the world have been judged and condemned already. Why are they condemned? Because they do not believe in the son of God. 


17 The time has come for judgment to begin, and God's own people are the first to be judged. If it starts with us, how will it end with those who do not believe the Good News from God?{1Peter 4:17 GNT}

How can it be that the judgement will start from the house of God when we have said before that The believers will not be judged. Well the answer is simply because not all who are in church are believers. 

Many claim to be believers but their fearful attitude to the message of the judgement could just reveal to you that they are not true believers in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. They go to church but do not understand the sacrifice that was offered on their behalf on the cross and so are in an attempt to save themselves. This attempt to be self righteous plainly reveals that they do not believe that Jesus is their righteousness. They therefore can not be regarded as believers. 

Hence God will start the judgement from his house so as to separate the sheep from the goats. He will need to draw a line between those practising religion based on Moses's laws and those who have entered a true relationship with him through his son Jesus Christ. 

Not all Jews are Abraham's seed. Only those who are in Christ are the true descendants of Abraham.

 Again for he is not a real Jew who is only one outwardly, nor is true circumcision something external and physical. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly: and true circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit not by the fulfilment of the letter of the law. His praise is not from men but from God.

It is because the house of God is mixed up with those who only practice religion without faith and those who simply hope to be saved by their faith in Christ; that is why judgment will start from God's own people. God will draw a line between faith and works and between religion and true relationship. He will draw a line between the works of men and the finished work of Christ.

Again don't forget that he came to his own and his own received him not but as many that received him he gave the power to become sons of God. Therefore among God's people, there are those who believe in Christ and there are those who believe in the laws to save them. 

Remember; Those who believe in the son will not be judged but those who do not believe are judged even though they are both mixed together in one unit called church. This is the reason the judgment is starting from the house of God.


17 And as we live with Christ, our love grows more perfect and complete; so we will not be ashamed and embarrassed at the day of judgment, but can face him with confidence and joy because he loves us and we love him too.

18 We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what he might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what he might do to us and shows that we are not fully convinced that he really loves us. 19 So you see, our love for him comes as a result of his loving us first.{1John 4 TLB}

From the verses above, you could see that those who are true believers are not to be afraid of judgment day. That shows that those fearful people in the church who dread the judgment day are not true believers. They are only religious people who are trying to save themselves by obeying ten commandments and Jewish laws. 

Those true believers who have entered a faith and love relationship with God through Christ Jesus shall not be embarrassed nor ashamed on judgment day. They shall be bold to stand before the one who loved them and gave his life for them so that his blood could wash away their sins. 

Those who are in church and fear judgment day are not convinced that God truly loves them and if you ask me, they should be called unbelievers.


What I am about to reveal to you about the book of life will shock you. Most Christians have argued that you will be judged based on the works or good things you do and that your works will determine whether or not you will enter heaven or hell. Fortunately, they have a scripture to back up their argument which I would like you to read before I reveal the truth of God to you from that same scripture. 

 12 I saw the dead, great and small, standing before God; and The Books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in The Books, each according to the deeds he had done. 13 The oceans surrendered the bodies buried in them; and the earth and the underworld gave up the dead in them. Each was judged according to his deeds. 14 And Death and Hell were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the Second Death—the Lake of Fire. 15 And if anyone’s name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the Lake of Fire.{Revelations 20:12-15}

The scripture above is the most dreaded scripture in Christendom and it is from it that the threat of hell is preached in most churches to scare believers. 

Unfortunately for the religious minds, the scripture does not say what they preach. What then does it say someone may be asking in his mind. Well let me reveal the truth of God to you. 

A careful look at the verses above will reveal to you that there are two kind of books here; one is The Books and the other is The Book Of Life.The Books was used to judge the deeds or the works of men but nobody was cast into the lake of fire because of what was written in The Books whether it be good or bad. The only entity that was cast into the lake of fire was Death And Hell but not humans. This shows you that the judgement from The Books according to works is not what decides who enters heaven or the lake of fire. That Judgement is only a judgement of rewards. This is what I call the Second Judgement. It will only reward people according to the works{good or bad} that they've done. Nobody is thrown into the lake of fire based on the books.

But if you look at the last verse you will find out that people are thrown into the lake of fire only if their names are not found written in The Book Of Life. It is this book of life that determines who enters heaven and who enters the lake of fire. Fortunately for the believer in Christ his name is already written in the Book of Life and hence the believer in Christ CANNOT be cast into the lake of fire. This is what I call the first Judgement for which the believer in Christ is exempted because his name is already written in the book of life.  


 20 But don't be glad because the evil spirits obey you; rather be glad because your names are written in heaven.”{Luke 10:20 GNT}

22 But you have come right up into Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the gathering of countless happy angels; 23 and to the church, composed of all those registered in heaven; and to God who is Judge of all; and to the spirits of the redeemed in heaven, already made perfect; 24 and to Jesus himself, who has brought us his wonderful new agreement; and to the sprinkled blood, which graciously forgives instead of crying out for vengeance as the blood of Abel did.{Hebrews 12:22-24 TLB}

One of the ignorant prayers I hear believers pray is that God should write their names in the book of life. Well if you ask me that prayer is coming too late because the believer's name was already written in the book of life right from the foundations of the world. If there should be any prayer at all it should be for the name not to be erased from the book of life but believe me you don't even need to prayer that prayer as long as you still keep on believing in Christ. All who believe in Christ are the redeemed of the Lord and their names are registered in heaven already.

The believer in Christ is already living in the heavenly Jerusalem, mount Zion; the city of the living God. The verse above did not say the believer is going to come to the heavenly Jerusalem, it says the believer has already entered mount Zion. The believer has joined the church of the first born whose names are already written in heaven.

But did you notice that the people who have come to mount Zion are having fellowship with countless happy angels? Not fearful angry angels but happy angels. How come the people who are in heaven having fellowship with God the Father, the son and His angels, are still living in fear of the judgement day? Why is the believer afraid of Judgement day when he is already having fellowship with the judge of the universe and His angels?

Did you also notice that the spirit of the redeemed{The Believer} is already made perfect in heaven? How come church people are considering what is happening in their human body here on earth to decide whether they will make heaven or hell? Are they not aware that their spirits have been saved when they accepted Jesus as their saviour?
 You will also notice that the believers are already having fellowship in heaven with Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and His blood grants forgiveness to all of their sins. Are they not aware that his sprinkled blood graciously forgives instead of crying out for punishment like Abel's blood?
Even Paul and the apostles knew that the believers names are written in the book of life already. How come the present day believer is ignorant of that truth?

 And I ask you, my true teammate, to help these women, for they worked side by side with me in telling the Good News to others; and they worked with Clement, too, and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are written in the Book of Life.{Phillipians 4:3 TLB}

 Those who win the victory will be clothed like this in white, and I will not remove their names from the book of the living. In the presence of my Father and of his angels I will declare openly that they belong to me.{Revelations 3:5 GNT}

The scripture above is another part of the bible that religious minds have misunderstood. Most pastors have preached that for the believer in Christ to have his name indelibly written in the book of life he or she must overcome. That is true. However their understanding of the word "overcome or win the victory" is wrong and clouded with Moses's veil. They preach that to overcome means to obey all the commandments and the Jewish laws and hence push believers back into the self-sin of self righteousness. The sin of trying to save yourself by obeying Jewish laws.

It is true that Jesus said that those who overcome shall be clothed in white and their names shall not be erased from the book of life but the bible also explained how to overcome:

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?{1John 5:4-5 KJV}

The truth therefore is that the believer in Christ has already overcome because he believes that Jesus is the son of God who died to take away the sins of the world. He is born of God. The victory that overcomes the world is our FAITH therefor e the believer in Christ shall be clothed in white and his name shall not be deleted from the book of life. Above all Christ shall present us to God in the presence of the angels that we belong to Him.

I hope that by now you have understood the nature of the judgement. If you do it should make you worship and give all the glory to Jesus for he is the one who made it possible for us to be born again with our names indelibly written in the book of life. All the glory should return to him and not to our religious self- righteousness. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory.

42 And he sent us to preach the Good News everywhere and to testify that Jesus is ordained of God to be the Judge of all—living and dead. 43 And all the prophets have written about him, saying that everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name.”{Acts 10:42-43 TLB}

Do You still think the believer should be Afraid Of Judgement Day? Drop your comments below. God Bless you.

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