Saturday 12 November 2016

Racing against Time

Racing against Time

We are in a race my dear. Life is a race. You are racing against time. Your race is such that you are diminishing life. Whether you like it or not your life is passing. Even if you don’t do anything, your life is still reducing, and it keeps diminishing. Your life is disappearing. Whether you are aware of it or not, your life is still disappearing. It’s pouring out; it keeps diminishing. So the race we are in is racing against the disappearing life. Instead of it just being disappearing or being wasted or spent, you are racing to make sure that it is being converted, making sure that it is being actually invested. Making sure that every minute that is passing, every second that is passing is being converted and been invested. That is the race you are in. You are in a race against time. You are in a race against seconds. You are in a race against minutes and you are in a race against every hour not being lost. You are fighting. You are in a race of fight, that no hour is lost, that every hour is invested somewhere either in value added to yourself or in value added to others or in products that you are producing that must change the world or promote the kingdom of God. You are racing to create physical products that you could show and that are tangible products that you could show to other people and to the world. So you are in a race against your diminishing life, your diminishing seconds, your diminishing minute and your disappearing hours. You are fighting to make sure that your life does not just disappear into thin air. It is a battle of not allowing those your seconds, those your minutes to just disappear into thin air. Not allowing your life not to just fly out of your own hands. Not allowing your life to just disappear into some abstract mirage. You are in a race of converting it into value provided for yourself, into value provided to others and into a product form. You are in a race against your disappearing life. And the thing is that that race must be yielding if you win. You win when you are able to convert all these disappearing time or the disappearing life into a product. You win when you are able to convert that into an investment, into seeds or fruits or products of tilling your own land or products in other people’s lives. When you are able to create values in yourself or in others then you have won the race. When you succeed in showing the real products that this disappeared life has produced. Then you are said to be a winner; then you could be called a great man but only thanks to the power of conversion.

You must develop the ability not to waste that time because I know so much pressure is on all of us to waste that time and for you to just trivialize it. For you not to even know and for you not to even be told and for you not to even think about it that your life is disappearing gradually and that you are left only with very little life and time. It’s a pity that you are not being told this truth. Nobody is telling you this reality. 

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