Saturday 10 December 2016


The question “who am I” is the first question that everybody should ask himself. The reason is because if you don’t know who you are you may just be living someone else’s life. It will be a tragedy to find out in the end that all your hustle and struggle on earth was the fulfillment of someone else’s destiny and not yours. It will be heartbreaking to suddenly realize at the end of your race that you ran on another man’s track. The bitter truth is that even if you ran so well that you arrived the finished line first, you will still be disqualified for running on the wrong lane. It is, therefore, important for every man to find out his purpose and run only on his lane to fulfill his destiny. Achieving the fulfillment to one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation

"To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation,"
                                          Paul Coelho, the Alchemist

Your life will be an endless chain of activities and events that do not even add any value to the fulfillment of your purpose if you don’t know who you are and why you exist. That is why you see millions of people all over the world today working from morning till night and struggling for survival but with no definite knowledge of why they exist.

“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”
                                                             Myles Munroe
“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”
                                                             Myles Munroe

You Have a Definite Purpose
Every human being is custom made to fulfill his own purpose. What I mean is that every one of us is specially branded to fulfill his/her calling and destiny. You were packaged to succeed in your purpose. You were born with a special mission. You were sent as a gift to the world. The world is in need of your gift. If you do not discover your purpose, the world will be starved of your contribution to humanity. You will cause chaos and leave a void in the world if you don’t discover and fulfill your purpose.

Created to Solve Humanity’s Problems
 You were created to solve the problems of humanity. A child is born only for the sole reason of solving the problems that are or will arise in the world. Whenever nations cry, a child is born to solve the problem for which the nations cry. You never would have imagined that you were created to be an answer to the cry of your nation. What if I told you that you were born just to solve the problems of a nation? What if I told you that you are the answer to the cry and problems of your community?

Your Purpose is Not Far from Where Your Love and Pain Intersect
Your purpose is where your love and pain intersect. When you feel pain and love for a particular problem or need in society, or for a particular group of people or community, your purpose may be around that direction.
Your purpose is where your passion lies. It is where you feel a strong hunger to intervene and improve a situation. It is where you are obsessed with the desire to cause a positive change.

Your Purpose is About Building Others Not You
Your purpose is not selfish. It is not about what you can get for yourself but what you can give to humanity. Your gifts and talents are meant to bless others. Your purpose makes you useful to others. Your career may be selfish but your purpose is selfless. It is others’ focused. It is community focused.

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