Saturday 31 December 2016



In life, time and change happen to everyone. No matter your age, sex, skin color or country of residence, time and change must happen to you. Whenever its 31st December every year, the calendar changes and a new cycle of life begins. No man can stop it from happening neither can anyone decide not to enter into the new year. God has given time and change to everyone equally.

How you manage time and change determines what happens in your life. Most people trivialize time and change and before they know it that season is over and a new season has begun without achieving anything of worth. 

The secret to a successful life is to know how to manage time and change. On the 1st of January time and change will happen again but the question is what will you do with this time and change? A new journey begins from January 1st, what will you do throughout this journey? 

Your destination is 31st December and it will take twelve months(365days) to get to your destination. Each of these days is going to be asking you; what will you do with me today? You are left with the option of just letting every day pass by or managing each day. The secret to a successful year is to manage each day and the key to managing each day is called PLANNING.

Planning is the requirement for getting safely to your destination. Your destination is the dreams, vision, and purpose you seek to achieve in the new year. Without planning and executions of plans, dreams, visions and purposes are not fulfilled. They remain mere wishes. 

Most people are going to experience this time and change without a concrete plan of what they seek to achieve nor how to achieve it. You will only live each day by instincts if you don't plan your day. You will merely be responding and reacting to circumstances. Only animals respond to circumstances because they do not have reasoning faculties. The reason you have a brain is so that you could plan your life. You are supposed to create circumstances and not respond to them. 

Planning gives direction to your life.
If you don't know where you are going you will possibly wind up somewhere else.
Planning is a roadmap that shows you the final destination and the best route to get there. Your purpose is your destination but your plan is the route to getting there.

A plan helps you finish before you start. With a plan, you live each day even before it starts. With a plan, you control what happens each day of your life. Do not hope that things will just work out fine in this new year. You must plan your year and your life.

Your success or failure in the new year depends on the plans you make. Your success this year does not depend on how many prophecies you receive on crossover night but on the plans, you will make and execute each day of the year. Without execution of plans, prophecies are meaningless. Remember that when you fail to plan you are planning to fail.

Planning is the management of the distance between your starting point and your finishing point. Planning is the management of the distance between your conception and your destination.

Planning is applying purpose to time. It is giving meaning to time. Planning is the determination of how time should be used. Planning is telling time what you want to do with it. Whether you like it or not time keeps diminishing and vanishing into thin air. No man can stop time from flying away but every man can take hold of that flying time and make it productive before it is gone. With planning, you take control of the time( your next 12months). Planning is the best way to invent the future.

Life is asking you for direction but planning is what gives direction to life.
The following areas of life should be planned by setting goals;
1.Purpose and calling
2.Financial goals
3.Time management goals
4. Spiritual goals
5. Added value{knowledge, books, messages}
6. Skill acquisition
a. photography and photoshopping design
c. keyboard, guitar, and violin skills
d. hair dressing
e. Pastries/baking
f. Catering
g. Software programming
h. Book editing and publishing.
i.Video editing etc.

If you can plan your life and act on every plan, you will experience a very productive year. Your new year will be different from every other one because you will see the products for each passing day. Act now! Begin to plan your year and you will be amazed how much you will achieve this year. Do not be among those who are hoping for a prosperous year without any plan to make it so. Do not be a mere dreamer. It is better to plan than to dream. Without plans, dreams do not come true. Plan, plan and act and you will enjoy a year of maximum productivity. HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!!!

Clement Ogedegbe