Saturday 15 October 2016

{HACT 101} What Do You Do With Your Life/Time?


Title: What Do You Do With Your Life/Time?
“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff that life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin

What do you do with your time when you are alone? What do you do with your time when you are jobless? What do you do with your time when you are unemployed? What do you do with your time when you don’t know what do? What do you do with your time when there is nothing to do? What do you do with your time when you are not in school? What do you do with your time when you are not in church? What do you do with your time when you are not in the office? What do you do with your time when you have a whole day doing nothing?

 Most people on the face of the earth do not know what to do with their time. A greater percentage of people on the earth have at one point in their life had a lot of time in their hands but squandered it unknowingly. The reason for this wastage is simply because people do not know what to do with their time. The majority of people on earth are ignorant of what their time should be used for. The reason you are bored during the summer holiday is because you don't know what to do with your time. What would you do with your time if there were no school system to give you a time table? What would would you do with your life if the school system doesn't control your time for you? Cant you see you are not in charge of your life? Cant you see the society is what is in charge of your life? What would you do with your time if there were no movies to watch during your free times or during the holidays? Cant you see you simply don't know what to do with your life than to spend it sleeping or watching movies? 

 I want you to check your life for the past five, ten, maybe twenty years of your life. What have you been doing with your time? Can you show me something tangible that you have done with your time?

 You must know what to do with your time if you must become great in this life. You must know what to do with your time if you must fulfil your purpose on the earth. Every one of us must learn how to make our time productive. You and I must learn and understand the value of time and how to invest it if we must achieve anything of worth in our lifetime.

 The first and general principle of time is that TIME MUST BE CONVERTED INTO PRODUCTS! Time comes in seconds. Time comes in minutes and in hours. You must not think that time comes in years or months. You must view time as coming in seconds and minutes and at most in hours or days. This view of time creates a more sense of urgency of time than viewing time as passing in months or years.

 If you must make your time productive, then begin to view time in its most urgent form; in seconds and in minutes. When I say time must be converted, what I am saying is that seconds must be converted. Minutes must be converted. Hours must be converted and days must be converted. Now, what do I mean by this! I mean that to know what to do with time is to convert a day and to convert a day is to produce a product. Therefore to measure your time management you must access yourself by how many products you were able to produce in that particular day, or how many products you were able to produce in that particular hour, minute or second.

The secret of all greatness is in knowing what to do with time. The secret of all the great men and women in history is that they converted their time into tangible products.  
Can you show me how many products you produced per minutes yesterday? Is there any valuable product you can account for as produced per hour of your life daily? Ok! Do you have anything tangible to show for the last one week of your life? If you have no products, then you have not been converting your time.

Since time comes in seconds, in minutes and in hours, we must learn to convert time else it will slip away and can never be regained. To be effective and productive is to not squander time and to live a life of understanding and wisdom, is to not waste time. 

The question is, if time is not to be wasted, what then should you do with time? Every human being is either wasting time, spending time or investing time. If you waste time, you don’t even get anything for it. You don’t get compensated for it at all. You just throw it in the garbage and you don’t even know what happened to it at all. Any time that cannot be accounted for is a wasted time. When you sit down doing nothing you are wasting time. When you walk about doing nothing you are wasting time. When you don’t know what to do with the time you are wasting time. When there is nothing to do you are wasting time. If you have no product to show for your time you are a time waster. If you are bored or idle you are a time waster. You can never become great living the life of a time waster.

"I would I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours." - Bernard Berenson

On the other hand, when you spend time; you at least know what you did with the time. You remember what activity you carried out within that time. You can at least say for example; that was the time you went to work or that was the time you went to the market. You at least could see some compensation for your spent time.

You are paid some salaries and wages in exchange for your time spent at work You are selling out your life for a little porridge.

When you spend your time you are actually spending your life. Any time that is spent or wasted is a life wasted or spent.
 Any life wasted or spent is gone and it will never come back. Anybody that does not value time does not value life. Whenever we lose time we are actually losing our life.

The only thing you have to show for a wasted or spent time is that you just realize that you are getting older. You only discover that your life is getting finished.  
When you can only remember the mundane things you did but do not have any products to show for your time, then you are a time spender

However, when you invest your time, you are investing your life. When you invest your life you don’t lose it. When you invest your life, you are multiplying it. You are pouring your life into others. You are actually reproducing yourself when you invest your life. When you invest your life, you realize that even though you are getting older, you are also increasing in your products. You are being fruitful and you are multiplying your life. This is so because you are investing your life into your destiny, into your calling and in fulfilment of your purpose. This is a beautiful kind of life isn’t it? This is the kind of life I want to teach you how to live..........

Time is the only commodity in life that cannot be bought, sold, borrowed, given out as a gift and it cannot be inherited. “Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed." -Peter F. Drucker

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