Sunday 23 October 2016


....What I have been talking about is that since life is in time, since life is in seconds, minutes and hours; therefore to waste time is to waste life. To lose time is to lose life. So when you are just living your mundane life; just walking about or you are just sleeping and waking up and just chatting on telephone and on social media; you are wasting life. When you are just drinking and clubbing you are wasting life. When you spend your time watching TV programmes that add no value to your life, you are wasting life. When you spend two hours every day watching premier league and champions league you are wasting life. Even when you are working and getting some salaries, your life is going and once it’s gone you can never get it back. You have wasted it for some little salary. You may have a car or maybe a house or at least something little to show for spending your life but you are still not multiplying your life. You can never become great if you continue to live your life like this.
Let’s assume you have all the time now. How then should you live your life so that it’s not just wasted? What should you do with it so that it’s not just spent? What should you do with your time so that it’s well invested? That is what I am about to reveal to you in this book. For you not to waste or spend your life, you must first begin to see time and life correctly. You must first understand that time is life and life is time. To see time and life correctly, you must begin to access life as seconds, as minutes and as hours. You must realize that whenever you waste a second you are wasting life. If you waste a minute you have wasted life and if you waste an hour you have wasted life.
For you to maximize time, you want to make sure that every second of the day that comes is converted into some products. You want to ensure that every minute and hour of the day that passes are being converted into some values. For you to be great, you must learn to convert every second of your life. You must live a life of self- consciousness all the time. You want to become conscious of what you are doing right now. You want to make sure that every second of your life counts. You will need to invest every bit of your time into your destiny and purpose. If you want to be great you will have to ask yourself; right now, am I wasting time/life? Right now, am I spending time/life or am I investing time/life? You must consciously ask yourself; what am I doing now? What is the consequences is going to have? What is the product this is going to give me? What services am I providing? What value am I adding to others? What values am I adding to myself? Am I investing in myself? If you consciously ask yourself these questions daily, you will stop spending or wasting time on low yielding activities. You will begin to invest time in only high yielding activities.
So the way to control your life is this; every minute you live, maybe you are in a meeting or at a friend's house; ask yourself “why am I here? What product am I producing by being here?”

 It is for the same reason that I don’t go for birthday parties. If I ever go for such parties, it must be that I am indispensable in that party and I will do everything possible to run out of that party as soon as possible. Because I am thinking, what value is this party adding to my life? What value can I produce comparatively? What value could I be producing this time? If I had used this time I am spending in this party now to read books, I would have added to myself more values. If I had spent that time to study, I would have added value to myself. So you must always do value comparison. You must begin to live your life this way doing a comparative analysis between any two events in your life and make sure you are only investing your time into that event which adds more value to your life. You must always be conscious of your time. What if you spent that time to write, to research, to bless other people, to give to other people, to teach other people? Wouldn’t you create more values for yourself than just wasting it in a party? Wouldn’t you have duplicated yourself? The way to maximize your time is to always ask yourself those questions, it is to always be in the here and now. It is not to just be everywhere at all times. You must stop living an abstract life. You must stop living like Oh! Today is another day, I don’t even know what to do today! Oh! Its night already O! I didn’t even know that time has gone O! You see that is the life of an animal. You are not an animal. You are supposed to be Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens is the thinking man. Humans are supposed to evaluate their lives. You are supposed to give account of your time and your life on daily basis.

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