Thursday 3 September 2015




What is planning program for church growth?
Is outlined program that is achievable and accessible to be accomplishing at a given time. There are factors to be considered when planning a program for church growth: ministry vision, the church leadership strength, target, strategic, ministry budget, church growth principle.
Church growth begins with church health and not the other way round, not all churches can plan and push through a vision plan to grow a healthy church. Efficient persons who are able to make things happen working in obedience through the power of the Holy Spirit, that is the kind of persons every church wants. Though, God expands His kingdom through weak and favour feeble prayer by those who depend on Him with their plans and their strategies to grow a church. The race is neither for the strong nor for the swift but of the lord needs you to make it happen. Mentoring is a key role of raising next generation leaders which is also part of planning for church growth, because you need people with understanding and people of like-mind to push through every plan on church program to be accomplished in a given time, when there is understanding of the ministry vision, then programs can be packaged in line with church vision to have an accessible.
Planning program gives the people an understanding of where are now and where are going. Planning program for church growth is to build those within the church walls, reaching to those outside the church walls and the expansion of the church.

1.  To run with church vision and to keep everyone on the same page.
2.  To develop leadership skills.
3.  To build a team, i.e putting the right people at the right place by the wisdom of God.
4.  To build stewardship/servant leadership.
5.  To have a target and strategies to accomplish them.
6.  To grow a name inline with church vision. Remember, a good reputation never stands still it keeps growing, so a good name must be protected.
7.  To have outstanding success in vision fulfillment. Excellence is the essence of the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit plans can’t fail.
The focus of this planning program for church growth is on evangelism, introduction of cell system and increase in church growth spiritually and numerically.

       A cell is a smallest structural and functional unit of a larger structure. The cell is a basic fellowship and out-reach unit of the mother church. Thus, it’s depends on the mother church for effective functioning. The program and activities of the cell are based on guidelines given by the mother church; the cell leader is therefore a delegate official of pastorate, transmitting the leadership and the pastoral ministry of the mother church to the basic unit of the church. It is therefore vital that the cell leader stays inline with the church vision. The cell system is the operational system of follow up of coverts and new comers in the church. As equally important is the evangelical program of the church which is done through the cell group.
This means that the evangelical functions of a cell are the programs of the church. When souls are won to Christ through the cells, it is imperative that the cell leader notifies the mother church through appropriate quarter. The follow up report on members should also be made available to the church for necessary action, the cell in the church are full members of the mother church they neither autonomous nor inter-denominational. Therefore, it will be wrong to address, organize, relate to or parade them as such. A cell leader is one who shows the way, one who guides and directs. Leadership is a process of guiding, directing others to achieve a desire goal or vision. In your cell you are leading, guiding and directing people to accomplish certain things inline with church vision. Leadership is the key to fulfilling visions and producing result, leadership is developed not discovered. An understanding of leadership is builds on the following fundamental ideas:
1.  Leadership moves the people towards its goal.
2.  Leadership builds on meaningful relationship with person’s inline with vision.
3.  Leadership motivates the group members to achievement.
4.  Leadership is more than holding an office.
A cell leader is bold and committed to the vision, he endures, sticks to it and does not quit.

       The cell leader as a role to play in the church vision. Our main goal as cell leaders is to help build on the pastor teachings, win souls and soul development. Therefore, everyone in leadership capacity is responsible for the achievement of this goal. As a cell leader you are responsible in the growth of your cell, its expansion and the development of your members. The absence members to cell meetings should affect you; you must have great concern for your cell and the members. The apostle Paul had great concern for the Israelites, Romans 9:1-3 “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great evidence and continual sorrow in my heart for I wish that myself were accused from Christ for the sake of the brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh”.
Paul had genuine love for them; he wants to see them grow into maturity. Follow-up is another vital part of fulfilling the vision as a cell leader, Col. 1:28. The early Christians where not only concerned with the winning of the lost souls but also with their establishment in the faith and attachment in local church for spiritual growth, your responsibility should include follow-up and visiting of your members both old and new. Remember, every human needs attention.

Having a responsibility and becoming committed to that responsibility are two different things. The word commitment means trust. Your commitment to responsibility is very important; commitment is from the heart, 1 Tim. 1:11. Be committed to your members in prayers 1 Cor. 14:2-4, Jude 20. The frequency at which you travail in prayers tells how your cell will grow spiritually; the Holy Spirit gives you revelation concerning your members, ideas and direction. The cell leader is intercessor; your responses to your member’s challenges determine how far your members can be attached and grow spiritually. When you have answers to their questions, they will remain and bring others. The answers you give come by faith through the word you declare, Romans 10:8, Mark 11:23. Be bold to pray with your members except it is necessary to take them the senior pastor for prayers. Don’t run from your member’s challenges the Holy Spirit is your helper.
The cell leader should have an oversight. An oversight is an inner knowing that can not be shaken regardless of the physical evidence place before it, the spiritual oversight goes beyond anything that is perceived by the human senses, It is exercise in the place of prayers and the word. God is concern about His people He wants you to do the same. 1 Peter 5:2; Pro. 27:23; Rom. 8:14-28; Heb. 4:12-13.
The cell leader is a soul winner. Be an example to your members by winning souls, let them see the souls you have won so they can be encouraged to do the same. Develop passion for souls.

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