We have many churches in Nigeria because churches are profitable.
Those who recognize this and play “the game” are enjoying millions of dollars today by milking many Nigerians dry. Sadly, those being sucked dry remain faithful pawns to any willing smooth-talking, bible-toting criminal. I could return to Nigeria today as a “Daughter of Miracles” and I’d be on my way to claiming a million dollar empire. God! That sounds GOOOD!
We have very few Christians in Nigeria. We’ve all become churchgoers!
There are 2 reasons why the church-culture is growing in Nigeria.
1. Persistent desperation (see the roads I shared below).
When you travel on roads like this, you pray to God (of course through your pastor/church, after sowing seeds) to keep you safe. Let’s not ask the Nigerian government to give us better infrastructure. Let us continue praying because God will NEED to touch the hearts of the Nigerian government before they do the right thing or come down himself to give us our basic amenities.
Pray harder!!

2. Get rich quick scheme
Both the pastors and their congregation are guilty of this. The pastors steal from the members, and members are deluded into thinking that if they sow enough “seeds” they’d become millionaires overnight. Who has this ever worked for?!
What actually happens when you sow “seeds” is that your pastor would become an overnight millionaire! You get poorer!
The only thing many Nigerians understand is MIRACLES. We don’t understand hard work or common sense. We understand MIRACLES, even when it does not make sense.
When I was in Nigeria, I would follow some of my friends to some night vigils, and some miracle prayer houses. As events unfolded in the church, I always felt like I was at a car dealership. This is what many of the pastors look(ed) like to me.

I perpetually felt patronized. I would roll my eyes to the heavens seeing how pathetic and desperate many of these pastors were. I felt sorry for them. Hunger is a bastard! It’d make you eat your own legs to stay alive. Haha! It made me sad that my friends could not see what I saw. I kept my thoughts to myself because you don’t waste your time reasoning with the lost ones. When I tried, I lost!
I don’t know why I was like this. Maybe my Catholic upbringing is just used to the idea of accountability. I do not trust any man who runs a show by himself, and remains accountable to no one. Maybe I was the devil himself or my Catholic upbringing is just used to order, not chaos in the form of praying against witches and wizards who might not even be interested in us.
I mean, if I was a witch, I would be too busy flying all over the world on my broom, passport and visa-free, to worry about paranoid Christians who don’t even have constant electric power. They’d bore me to death so I think I’d party differently. I’d go to Norway, which is currently ranked best country to live in.

If I were the devil, I will not be in Nigeria. “Isn’t that country in recession? Aren't they a developing country? I’m outta here!”
I will go to other developed countries and either chill or bring them to ruins!
If you ask me, I think Nigerians need to invest the same level of energy we give to prayers to ensuring our elected officials keep their word and utilize public funds to make life easier for everyone.
About my church, I think “Mother of Miracles Ministry (MMM)” sounds better. What do you think?
ARTICLE BY Uche Metuh, Invested in Nigeria's MindShift
To find out how to develop a nation through the power of potentials, see my new book here YOUR POTENTIALS- THE SOURCE OF YOUR GREATNESS
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