Sunday 3 December 2017


                         Poor Nations, Great Potentials

The greatness of a nation is dependent on the potentials of its citizens. Great nations don’t make great people, only great people make great nations. America could not have been a great nation if its citizens didn’t use their great potentials to make it great. Every nation on the face of the earth has citizens who are endowed with great potentials. There is no nation in the world whose citizens are completely void of potentials. God never created any nation to be void of potentially great citizens. Not India, not the Central African Republic, not Afghanistan nor Moldova is completely void of citizens with potentials. From the kibera slum in Nairobi, Africa to the cubatao, sao Paolo, Brazil, and down to the Makoko slums in Lagos, there are people with great potentials.

Unfortunately, most times, people who live in third world countries like Nigeria and most other African countries, think that their counterparts in the United States or in the developed European countries are actually more potentially endowed than they are. What they fail to realize is that irrespective of the nation of our birth, we are all first of all Homo sapiens, hence, we are all counterparts. If we are all Homo sapiens, then it is obvious that an American man or woman has the same brain structure, the same eyes, ears, hands, legs etc. as an African man or woman. As Homo sapiens, we are all endowed with potentials from God. We all have the ability to make our nations great. All nations are full of people with great potentials.

However, a nation could be full of great potentials and yet be poor and underdeveloped if those potentials are not recognized and harnessed to build that nation. Hence, we have poor nations, potentially great people. The reason is that people are not taught to harness their potentials but are taught to depend on the government. People are not told that they could convert their potentials and become creators of jobs but are encouraged to go about looking for jobs. So we have multitudes of people walking around with great potentials within them, yet looking for some boss to depend on; looking for some jobs. What a tragedy!

Why are people not told about the value of their potentials? And who is responsible for bringing that awareness to the populace? In my opinion, two major spheres of influence in our nations have a major role to play in this regard. The first is our educational sector and the second is our religious sector. I believe that if these two sectors are properly checkmated and made to function accordingly, we would become one of the most developed nations in the world.

Looking at our educational sector, you will notice that the system is structured in such a way as to undermine potentials, to discourage innovation and to kill creativity. Our school systems do not encourage people to look inward to discover their potentials and convert them into products and innovations. Rather, the system is structured to make people conform to some certain theories, standards and stale ideas of men who lived many centuries ago. Most of the things taught in our schools today are just some old stuff that you and I must conform to and which must not be questioned. We are required to just worship the status quo. The educational system requires you to follow a curriculum that leads nowhere other than the office of a boss for whom you are to work all your life and be laid off at 60 when you are old. You die at 65 or 70 still with your potentials unrealized and unfulfilled.

 The result of our faulty academic curriculum is that people with great potentials graduate from universities only to be ignorant of what they are capable of doing for themselves and their nation. People with great potentials walk around with Masters and PhD degrees looking for an office to enslave themselves under one man or woman in the name of a boss. Until we restructure our academic curriculums, we will not be able to harness the potentials of our citizens to build a great nation.

Looking at the second institution, the religious institution, one would find millions of people adequately endowed with great potentials praying and crying out to God every day to come rescue them from their poverty and mediocrity. A multitude of religious men and women looking helpless and handicapped, fasting and begging God to come develop and make their nation great. God created all men with great potentials. We are multipotent beings and co-creators with God. That means that we all could create the kind of nation we want. Having said that, the question that comes to mind is “how God could have created them with great potentials and yet they are begging on God to come develop their nation for them? Two things could be responsible for such attitude; the first is ignorance; ignorance of how much potentials they have been blessed with, and the second is unbelief in those potentials.

Why are these religious multitudes ignorant of their potentials? The reason is that the clergymen are telling them to depend on God for everything and that without God they can’t do anything. While that maybe scriptural, yet a lack of understanding of its meaning could cripple an entire nation. The crippling effect of such kind of messages that emphasizes waiting on God for everything above taking personal responsibility for our lives and our nation will be that the people whom God has given the potentials to initiate processes, inventions, and developmental projects, would fold their arms believing that they can do nothing until God comes to do it for them. They will be waiting on God while God is waiting for them to act. God will be waiting for them to discover their potentials and put them to use but they will be busy praying and fasting, abusing the government and lamenting the poor state of things in their nation.

Therefore, the result is a nation dying of poverty and economic recession yet full of citizens with great potentials and looking helpless. These ignorant potentially great people in Africa would do anything to leave the shores of their countries and run to Europe or America still with their potentials unharnessed. What they don’t know is that America is a great nation because its citizens harnessed their potentials to make it great. The first world nations are developed not thanks to their locations but thanks to the harnessed potentials of their citizens. All the industries and private sector innovations that we see in Europe are all the products of converted potentials. The skyscrapers, the good roads, the stable electricity, the accessible Wi-Fi and unlimited internet services were only given birth to thanks to converted potentials.

 Don’t forget that everything comes from potentials. Everything first exists in the form of potentials. That means that everything we are running to Europe and America to enjoy was once not visible but buried in individuals as potentials. It is only after these individuals discovered their potentials and converted them to products that these infrastructures became visible and available for all to enjoy. Therefore, nations become great only when its citizens discover their potentials and harness the power of those potentials to create industries, innovations, processes of production and fix the economy.
Nations become great only thanks to the power of harnessed potentials.

“If every citizen can get rid of indiscipline syndrome, we have immense potential to build more productive, conflict-free, harmonious and peaceful communities, societies, cities, nations, and world.”
                                            ― Vishwas Chavan

This means that Nigeria can become as great as the United States of America, Africa could become as developed as Europe but only if the citizens will look inward, discover their potentials and harness the power of those potentials to build their own nations. If our schools will begin to talk more about potentials and how to harness them than they talk about certificates and obsolete theories, then we can begin to hope for a great future for our nation. If our churches will encourage people to work hard and discover their potentials more than they talk about fasting and prayers, we will be on our way to building one of the greatest nations in the world. If we could have more church programs geared towards human capacity development than miracle-visa and breakthrough crusades, we would soon discover that we don’t need miracle and breakthrough services to travel abroad. All we need are men and women who would invest in the power of their potentials and through it develop their own nation. 

To see how the power of potentials developed America and how Nigeria can replicate the same to become one of the leading nations of the world, click this link HOW TO DEVELOP A NATION THROUGH THE POWER OF POTENTIALS and get my new book"YOUR POTENTIALS-THE SOURCE OF YOUR GREATNESS

“Nations become great only when its citizens discover their potentials and harness the power of those potentials to create industries, innovations, processes of production and fix the economy.”

PREORDER THE BOOK FOR ONLY 0.99USD before 9/12/2017 by clicking

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