Saturday, 21 January 2017

Created for Maximum Impact

Created for Maximum Impact
You were created for more than the ordinary mundane life. You were created for maximum impact and this is a fact that the majority of earth dwellers are unaware of.

                          The ordinary mundane life.
Every day, people wake up to go to their workplaces. They go in the morning and come back at night. It’s either they are studying or working or just striving to make a living one way or another. But the question most people never really stop to ask themselves is, is this all to life?

                      What exactly is Life About?
1)   Are we sent to this life to just go to school for 6+6+4/5/6 years?....If yes then why the depression and suicide?

2)    Are we sent here to just get married after school?....if no then why is everyone pressuring you to get married?

3)   Are we sent here to just give birth to biological children?

4)   Are we sent to this life only to go to work every day and retire at age 60?....if yes then everyone who has a job has fulfilled purpose
5)   Are we sent here to just accumulate money, houses and cars for ourselves? Is life about the latest phones, shoes, makeup, suits etc? ...if yes why do the rich commit suicide?

6)   Do you think we were created to just while away time on the earth?

The answer to all of these questions is a capital NO. If the answer is no, what then are we created for?

We Were Created to Make Maximum Impact on the Earth.

When I say maximum impact what do I mean? How can you make maximum impact on the earth?
We impact the world by solving problems. We were packaged to solve problems in our cities, states, and nations. Every one of us was given life so that we can resolve some problems. You were sent here to improve the world. You are here to make the world a better place.  You are made for a purpose and that is to solve a problem. Your job should be to discover that problem for which you were created.  Your heart cry should be “What problem am I here to solve?” You need to ask yourself “what do I need to do for humanity, for my generation and the world at large?”

                             What Problem will you solve?
Stop running from problems, look for problems to solve. You are not looking for a solution provider, you are the solution provider.
Somebody resolved the problem of electricity and today we are enjoying electricity. Some other persons resolved the problem of transportation and today we have cars, aeroplanes, ships etc. You should find out what problem you are going to solve in your generation. 

Look at your street, school, city, state, nation and continent. What problems can you see?... list them down{ Corruption, bribery, abortion, armed robbery, poverty, hunger, electricity, water, wars, political and ethnic crisis, hatred, prostitution, depression, suicide, Aids, Diabetes, low self- esteem, falling standard of education, orphanages, homeless people, prisoners, widows etc}

Somebody resolved the problem of electricity and today we are enjoying electricity. Some other persons resolved the problem of transportation and today we have cars, aeroplanes, ships etc. You should find out what problem you are going to solve in your generation. 

                    Dead Men Still Impacting the World
The world is still talking about the impact of men who maximally impacted their world in their time. Even though most of them are dead, yet their impact lives on. The world still enjoys their discoveries and inventions {the problems they solved}. 

In fact, most of the heroes who are dead are still making more impact in the world than a greater percentage of mankind who are still alive. The likes of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, Steve Jobs are dead but they are still touching the world with their inventions and discoveries and believe me, generations to come will still be enjoying their impact.

 It is a pity that dead men are still impacting the world while men who are still alive are wasting away, roaming the earth without a discovery of their purpose nor how they can impact the world.

 If you are not solving problems you are asleep. If you are not living for the purpose you were born you are as good as a dead man. I urge you to begin to look for problems to solve. Look for how you can improve and make the world a better place.

Saturday, 14 January 2017


                                                           THE ENERGY OF FAITH

In the previous article, we discussed that faith is the greatest force in the world and that there is nothing in the whole world that is as strong as faith. The whole world was created by faith and hence faith is greater than everything that exists in the world. Faith created all things and without faith, nothing can be created. 

Having seen how powerful faith is, I, however, want to state here that faith which is the strongest force in the world can become powerless and weak. Faith can be dead and fruitless. If faith can be powerless then, it needs to be energised. It needs to be quickened. A man can have all the faith in the world but if that faith is not energised, it cannot produce any fruit nor create anything. A dead faith cannot produce any result. 

The question then is how can faith be energised? What do I need to energise my faith so that it can produce results? The answer is WORK. By work I mean action. It is work that gives life to faith. It is work that energises faith. If faith must produce results, then it must be backed up by works.

 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
{James 2:17,26}

From the bible verses above, you could see that faith without works is dead. Faith is like a dead body without the spirit if it is not energised by works. Faith is the body, work is the spirit. They both need each other to operate on the earth.

God is the author of faith and we said in the previous article that he was the first to exercise faith as seen in the creation process. It will be needful for us to see if he energised his faith. Did he just have faith without working or he also worked?

 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.{Genesis 2:1-2}

From the foregoing, it is obvious that God backed up his faith by his works. He didnt just concieve the world in his mind, he acted upon the conception and made it a reality by working it out. Even though God had said he was going to create a man that was going to have dominion over the earth, that couldnt hapen until God worked it out. He had to take up dust to make the man.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.{Genesis 2:7}

Even the man that was made was as dead until God did another work of breathing into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life. This means that until work is done, faith remains dead and lifeless.

What is the essence of all these illustrations? It is so that you will understand that your faith or whatever you have concieved in your heart will remain just a dream, an idea or a hope until you act to bring it to pass. Faith is only the first step, work is what perfects faith. This means that nothing can be created until faith is mixed with work.

If you believe you can create anything, then you will work to bring it to pass. If you believe you can become anything, then you will work to become it. Your work will proof whether or not you believe what you claim to believe.

Everything that exists first existed in the realm of faith or ideas but it was by work that they all became realities. The plan of a house drawn on paper is not yet a real house until the labourers go to work on the site and finish the house. Work converts ideas, dreams and visions into reality. Ideas, dreams and visions will only remain at the realm of faith until they are energised by work.

My charge to you therefore, is that you develop an idea, a concept and a vision for your life this year, believe that you can achieve it but most importantly energise your belief by working hard to bring it to pass. Only when you work on faith can you become productive and creative like God.

Sunday, 1 January 2017


                   THE OTHER SIDE OF FAITH

The believer has a vast knowledge of faith as the criteria for his justification. The believer understands that Jesus died for his sins and that the blood on the cross was shed for the cleansing and remission of sins. 

While that is true of faith, it is, however, a preliminary level of faith. There is a higher level of faith about which the believer is hardly taught. Ignorance of the other side of faith has placed most believers in a beggarly and handicapped position. 

Most believers remain at the preliminary level of faith with the understanding that their justification is only by faith but do not press further to live out the other side of faith. 

There is another side of faith which the elders of old operated in and through which they did exploits and obtained a good report.
What then is this other side of faith? I am going to start my exposition with the passage below

 What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. Men of God in days of old were famous for their faith.
By faith—by believing God—we know that the world and the stars—in fact, all things—were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen{Hebrews 11:1-3 TLB}

The greatest force in the universe is faith. Faith existed before the universe were created and without faith there would be no universe. All that exist within the universe were products of faith. There is no force in the whole universe that is stronger than faith. It is in fact impossible for anything in the universe to be greater or stronger than faith. This is because all that exist in the universe were created and faith is the power through which they were all created.
Faith created the world and only faith can overcome the world.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.{1John 5:4}

The Creating Faith
Faith is the only force needed to create anything. Faith created in the beginning and it is still creating. It was through faith that God commanded the universe to come forth. Faith takes nothing and commands it to become substance. Faith doesn’t need substance to create, faith is the substance that brings out something out of nothing. Faith doesn’t need to see something to believe it exists. Faith needs nothing to believe that something exists. The human eyes need to see something to believe it exists but faith needs to see nothing and then creates something out of it. Faith is the opposite of sense. Faith doesn’t need our five senses to create something out of nothing. 

Faith is a creator. If faith is a creator that means everyone who has faith is a creator. It is not only God who has the ability to create. His children also can create because God has given to his children the same faith with which he created the universe.

As God’s messenger I give each of you God’s warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.{Romans 12:3 TLB}

God has given to every believer a measure of faith and the amount of faith you possess determines your value in the kingdom of God. The amount of faith you possess is an indication of your creative ability. But no matter how small your faith is, you can create whatever you want with it. No wonder Jesus said “If you have faith like a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, be thou removed and it will obey you”

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”{ Matthew 17:20 NIV}

  Even faith the size of a mustard seed is more powerful than any force in the earth. There is hardly a force in the whole universe that could relocate a mountain but faith can. Everything that represents a mountain in your life, sicknesses, diseases, poverty, depression etc can all be relocated by faith.
So with faith you can create whatever you want. With faith you can be maximally productive.

20 Next morning, as the disciples passed the fig tree he had cursed, they saw that it was withered from the roots! 21 Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to the tree on the previous day and exclaimed, “Look, Teacher! The fig tree you cursed has withered!”

22-23 In reply Jesus said to the disciples, “If you only have faith in God—this is the absolute truth—you can say to this Mount of Olives, ‘Rise up and fall into the Mediterranean,’ and your command will be obeyed. All that’s required is that you really believe and have no doubt! 24 Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours! {Mark 11:20-24}

Listen to me! You can have whatsoever you want only if you believe and do not doubt. Doubt is a function of our senses and our sense is opposite to faith.

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.{James 1:6-8}

The sense knowledge man is unstable in all his ways. The sense knowledge man cannot receive anything from God but the man of faith receives whatsoever he wants. The sense knowledge man sees impossibilities in all things but there is no impossibility with the faith man. The faith man whom the believer is has all things available to him at his command. Sense -knowledge people wait to see before they can believe but the man of faith believes and what he believes he later sees.

 If you will silence the voice of doubt and activate your faith. You can become a creator and whatever you command and call forth will appear. What will you create with your faith this year? I dare you to begin the creation process for faith has been given to you. Use it!